8 Helpful FAQs about Fiberglass Swimming Pools

If you have a fiberglass swimming pool, then there are a lot of things you must know. We shared some of the frequently asked questions about fiberglass swimming pools to help you understand everything that there is to know about fiberglass swimming pools. Frequently asked questions will not only answer the queries related to the fiberglass swimming pool but help you in planning your installation. Most of you want to know how much to build a swimming pool in Malaysia , whether is it a good investment and will the swimming pool be a good idea for the property or not, this is where frequently asked questions will help you in understanding the details. 1. What is the lifespan of a fiberglass pool? The average fiberglass pool is known to last 25 to 30 years, but we go much farther. The finest fiberglass pools are made by our supplier, Smart Pools. A pool made with their exclusive fiberglass mix may endure up to 50 years! 2. Can a fiberglass pool be ...