How to Determine If a Swimming Pool Is Best for Your Home and Family?


Do you dream of a swimming pool in your home’s backyard?  Well, you are not alone. Most homeowners prefer having a pool on their yards not only because it revs up the value of the property but because it enhances the lifestyle. Moreover, a pool splash is all you want to make the summer season comfortable. With so much n the perspective, isn’t it right to determine whether having a swimming pool in the backyard is a good idea at all. 

What are those factors that decide that the swimming pool for home is the perfect fit? Read here to find out how to make the right decision for a residential swimming pool.

1.      Measure the size of the land

Ok, your yard looks pretty big at the outset but is it big enough to construct the swimming pool?  That is why, you need to call experts to measure the area and decide whether it is good enough for a swimming pool in Malaysia.  Well, there is no reason to fret still as fibreglass pools can be placed in smaller areas.

Moreover, the cost of construction is likely to be lower than concrete pools. However, it is important to choose a perfect location for the pool and make sure it is not too close to the house. Furthermore, there should be some opportunities for landscaping in the surrounding to accomplish the perfect look.

2.      Pool size and functionality

If you are shopping around for a swimming pool in Malaysia and can’t decide if it’s the right size, you won’t ever conclude the decision. The ideal way is finding out the pool size and assessing its functionality. First, you measure the exact space you can devote for the pool and then fix its size. Next, you need to focus on the pool’s functionality. For instance, the number of family members who are to use the pool, if there are any plans to use the pool solely for health and fitness purposes.  Will the kids also use the pool? Prepare a list of your requirements at first and talk to pool suppliers to ensure that your needs are met properly.



 C Check the design of the pool

What kind of design does the pool have? It’s best to avoid complex designs when it comes to residential swimming pools. If the whole idea of having a pool on the yard is about relaxing and unwinding at the end of the day, you won’t achieve much with complex pool designs. Therefore, choose a design that resonates with the architectural design of your home. That way, you can create an uninterrupted flow of elements and bring the corners and angles in perspective. However, if your home has the typical classical look, let the swimming pool for home follow suit.

Apart from this, you need to calculate the distance between the pool and your house. If the passage between the two looks complicated, you need to streamline the design so that everyone in the family can reach the pool and exit safely. Besides, you may also construct a pool fence to add privacy to the pool.

4.      Concerns related to the location

You can spend enough time and resources to build a swimming pool in the backyard but there may be a few other concerns you cannot combat. You need to find out if your area is prone to flooding, is exposed to the sun most of the time, and is windy as well. In such circumstances, you need to choose a fibreglass swimming pool above the ground. While in-ground pools are perfect for large spaces and makes diving much easier, pools above the ground are cost-effective and can be installed easily. For flood-prone areas, you need to install a pool above-ground to escape the impact of flood.

5.      Maintenance hassles

Do you want to skip maintenance hassles?  Maintenance of swimming pool weighs down heavily on homeowners. So, they must prioritize maintenance issues when investing in a swimming pool. You need to maintain and clean in-ground pools more often than above-ground pools. With fibreglass swimming pools, you no longer need to feel annoyed about cleaning and maintaining your swimming pool often.

So, are you ready to take the next step and install a pool in the backyard of your residence? If you are already exploring swimming pools in Malaysia, stop at Smart Pools, one of the largest and most renowned fibreglass swimming pool suppliers. Connect with them here for solutions that fit your requirements and budget.


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