Five Swimming Pool Maintenance Tips for Home
Having a luxurious pool is what everyone wants. However, having a pool and maintaining it are two different things. This post will tell you seven tips for maintaining a swimming pool. Before you decide to have a pool of your own, make sure you have well-researched everything about it.
It is always incredible to have a mini swimming pool in your backyard. Once you decide to install a pool on your property, the daydream comes in easy, you think of throwing a pool party; chilling around the water in breezy evenings, diving into the pool after a hectic workday, and so on. However, there is a much unconsidered reality that always slips through the mind, and that is maintenance. If you don’t follow a proper maintenance routine, it will easily affect the beauty of the swimming pool. Countless things can happen, broken filters, green water, and algae build-up.
Imagine the Filter as Your Pool’s Kidneys
Your pool's filter is responsible for eliminating pollutants from the water, much like your kidneys are. Think dirt, leaves, and even tiny toys. Turning off the filter, removing the filter cap from the pool deck, taking out the filter basket, and cleaning any debris can usually be done before restoring everything. Cleaning your filter basket at least once a week is recommended for keeping the pool clean and germ-free.
Make a Skimming and Scrubbing a Part of Life
Skimming the leaves, debris, and other unwanted things from the pool is obvious. Leaving the pool like that can cause a lot of issues. Skimming is recommended daily, and if you think you can afford a robot vacuum that can clean the bottom of the pool for you, then consider doing that. You will require scrubbing the side of the pool to prevent algae build-up. However, scrubbing doesn’t have to be done daily; you can do it once or a week.
Chemicals Cost Too Much, Give Baking Soda a Try
Pool chemicals are expensive and there is no doubt about it. So there is an alternative that can help reduce the maintenance cost. There is an ingredient that can help you replace the chemical cost. Baking soda is considered a good alternative. Most people advise using sodium bicarbonate to control the alkalinity of the pool, but that doesn’t drastically, reduce the PH level. Be careful when you visit a store to buy pool chemicals, they might try to sell you an overpriced solution, a regular baking soda can do the job of a pool solution easily because it has sodium bicarbonate and is not very pricey as well.
Keep an Eye On The Water Level
The physical level of water is equally as significant as the chemical makeup of the water. After a big thunderstorm or an afternoon of cannonballing by the youngsters, the levels will naturally change. Maintain a water level halfway up your skimmer's entrance. If the water level falls below the required level, just use a garden hose to replenish it. Rent a submersible pump from a home improvement store to drain the surplus water if the water level is too high. Consider consulting a professional if your pool's liner is made of vinyl or fiberglass and might be easily damaged by the weight of the pump.
Shock a Cloudy Pool
When it comes to chemicals, don't be scared to shock your pool if it's needed. While this may appear to be a procedure reserved for public pools, it is not. Consider how your pool water will appear after a large gathering. Things are likely murkier now than they were the day before the big event. What's with the haziness? You'll want to get rid of the bacteria as quickly as feasible. Shocking refers to boosting chlorine levels dramatically over a short period to eliminate microorganisms.
These are some of the most promising tips to keep your mini swimming pool clean. However, getting the right installation is a bigger problem than cleaning. You can connect with Smartpools, they handle all the installation related to swimming pool Malaysia, drop in your query at or dial +6012 785 0019 to speak to them directly.

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